Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Distill Ethanol or Grain Alcohol
How to Distill Ethanol or Grain Alcohol Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol. Its made from a fermented mixture of corn, yeast, sugar, and water. The resulting alcohol is 100 to 200 proof (200 proof is pure alcohol). In addition to use in the lab, ethanol is a popular fuel alternative and gasoline additive. Because it is flammable, ethanol can be prohibitively expensive to ship, so it may make sense to distill your own. Anyone can have a still, but be advised you may need to get a permit in order to make ethanol. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3 - 10 days, sometimes longer How-To Steps If you are starting with whole corn, you first need to convert the cornstarch into sugar by sprouting the corn. Place the corn in a container, cover it with warm water, and drape a cloth over the container to prevent contamination and conserve heat. Ideally, the container will have a slowly draining hole at the bottom. Add warm water from time to time as the liquid level falls. Maintain the setup ~3 days or until the corn has sprouts about 2 inches long.Allow the sprouted corn to dry. Then grind it into meal. Alternatively, start with cornmeal. Other grains can be prepared in much the same way (e.g. rye mash).Mash or mush is made by adding boiling water to the corn meal. The mash is kept warm to start the fermentation process. Yeast is added, if available (half pound yeast per 50 gallons of mash, for example), and sugar (variable recipe). With yeast, fermentation takes about 3 days. Without yeast, fermentation could require more than 10 days. The mash is ready to run once it stops bu bbling. The mash has been converted into carbonic acid and alcohol. It is called wash or beer or sour mash. The wash is placed into a cooker, which has a lid that is pasted shut so that it has a seal which can be blown off should internal pressure become too great. At the top of the cooker, there is a copper pipe or arm that projects to one side and tapers down from a 4-5 inch diameter to the same diameter as the worm (1 to 1-1/4 inch). The worm could be made by taking a 20 ft length of copper tubing, filling it with sand and stopping the ends, and then coiling it around a fence post.The sand prevents the tubing from kinking while being coiled. Once the worm is formed, the sand is flushed out of the tube. The worm is placed in a barrel and sealed to the end of the arm. The barrel is kept full of cold, running water, to condense the alcohol. Water runs in the top of the barrel and out an opening at the bottom. A fire is maintained under the cooker to vaporize the alcohol in the wash.The ethanol vaporizes at 173Â °F, which is the target temperature for the mixture. The spirit will rise to t he top of the cooker, enter the arm, and will be cooled to the condensation point in the worm. The resulting liquid is collected at the end of the worm, traditionally into glass jars. This fluid will be translucent, and about the color of dark beer. The very first liquid contains volatile oil contaminants in addition to alcohol. After that, liquid is collected. The containers of liquid collected from over the wash are called singlings. Liquid collected toward the end of this run is called low wine. Low wine can be collected and returned to the still to be cooked again. The initial collections are higher proof than those collected as the distillation progresses.The singlings tend to have impurities and require double-distillation, so once the low wine has been run to the point where a tablespoon or so thrown on a flame wont burn (too low proof), the heat is removed from the still and the cooker is cleaned out. The liquid remaining in the still, the backings or slop, can be recovered and poured over new grain (and sugar, water, and possibly malt) in a mash barrel for future distillations. Discard mash after no more than eight uses.The singlings are poured into the cooker and the still is returned to operation. The initial collecti ons can approach pure alcohol (200 proof), with the end collections, using the flash test on the flame, at about 10 proof. The desired proof depends on the application. The highest proof usually obtained from a still is 190 proof. For using alcohol as a fuel alternative, for example, addition purification with a sieve may be required to obtain 200 proof ethanol. Tips If you live in the United States, a permit may be required in order to legally distill ethanol.Stills traditionally were operated close to a water source, like a stream or river, because the cool water was used to condense the alcohol in the tubing (called the worm)Stills needed to have removable tops so that they wouldnt explode when pressure built up from heating the mash. What You Need 25 lb corn meal or 25 lb shelled whole corn100 lb sugar (sucrose)100 gallons water6 oz yeast
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Strategic Plan for Launching BMW 3 Series in USA and UK - Smart Custom Writing Samples
A Strategic Plan for Launching BMW 3 Series in USA and UK - Smart Custom Writing Ford VS ToyotaThe current paper deals with the question of productive flow and product quality of the two biggest and the most famous car producers in the world, Ford and Toyota and in what way improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit of the companies. Both of them are worldwide famous manufacturers of the cars of different sizes and modifications. The main principles of the company are constant quality that is supplied by permanent quality control and improvement of the product line (Hales 2001, p.23). Toyota has been a foremost supplier of pioneering lift trucks for over 40 years already. According to latest data, the company has sold  over 1 million cars to thousands of pleased customers in over 200 countries all over the world. It gained extreme popularity in every country. In every stage of the company’s operation there is a complete devotion to quality and constant improvement of the product flow, as the experts working in the company realize that there two factors can lead to the direct increasing of sales and result in the augmented profits. The dedication to the quality has led to the company’s popularity and recognition all over the world. Toyota is 100% devoted to delivering brilliance from product expansion to after sales service. Product quality and productive flow were put in place from the st art at the Toyota Industrial Equipment Manufacturing capability in Columbus, Indiana. Improvement of a product quality authorize the employees of Toyota company to make quality their first priority and demonstrate devotion of the company commitment to quality in every stage of the production process. Needless to say, that product quality is essential for every company as it is a pledge of successful future. The latest researches of the Toyota activity, conducted in 2009 demonstrated that the company has implemented the innovative techniques for the product quality assurance. By the quality-improvement program, the company will use the so-called go and see for yourself method to reinforce the ability to carry out technological investigations for every case of supposed malfunction of the product and to follow through with correct actions.  First, in the territory of United States, the company tried to be able to carry out on-site examinations within 24 hours of reported inciden ts by modification its information-gathering capabilities. In addition, the engineers of the company will conduct direct Customer Quality Engineering activities. Moreover, the company is planning to open technical offices in some U.S. towns that will hand out to reinforce the consumer service functions of Toyota local sales companies. Toyota Company is planning to undertake related initiatives in other regions of the world, increasing the functions of its technical offices and opening new ones as essential to maintain a solid, local reply in each region (Liker 2004, p. 24). These innovations in the sphere of quality control that the company managed to carry out during the last five years of its existence in the market have resulted in the increasing of sales and general profit of the company. It is understood that people need qualitative first class products. This is possible to achieve due to the constant improvement and quality control of the manufactured products. The company wil l equip its vehicles with an extended range of functionality for finding out the problems automatically and for recording the mistakes electronically, as well as conducting other tasks. This functionality will be very useful in quickly evaluating technological problems and in punctually taking counteractive measures. The next important issue under consideration of the company Toyota is the productive flaw .The managerial of the company understands that in order to preserve the positions in the market and provide the consumers with the permanent inventions and new products, it should maintain its production flow to avoid the stagnation of the manufacturing (Naughton, Takayama and Sparks 2005, p. 27). The company tries to keep the production flow active. It leads to constant updating of the company’s model range. As a result, keeping to the stable productive flow and introducing of the productive quality measures lead to the increase of sales and profits of the company, mak ing its production one of the most popular and demanded all over the world. The managerial of Toyota is sure that the more inventory, product quality control and productive flaw they have on hand, the longer their product lead time and the easier it will be for the company to react to the unexpected change in the marketplace. Considering the balance sheet of the company for 2009, it has 18 to 20 % of increased sales and is now the second foremost carmaker in the whole world. The margins of the company are approximately 17%. One of Toyota's main philosophies is the idea of constant improving both in production flaw and in quality of the products (Migliorato 2004, p.40). Employees at company Toyota production facilities are always encouraged to present new suggestions to improve their processes, modernize operations and then demonstrate devotion to the overall quality of its products. Another company under consideration is Ford Corporation. Probably, it is very difficult to find a person who does not know anything about this company. It has quite a long history making it world famous car manufacturer after Toyota and Crysler. Ford has production facilities in 22 countries on five continents in the world; it possesses 87 plants in North America and 41 in Europe. In 1995, in Europe, Ford's joint vehicle market share, at 12.2%, was the highest for the period of eleven years, with three of the eight best-selling vehicles. In 1995, Ford introduced as one of the leading and most popular vehicles in the country. It was one of the five vehicle producers (Banham 2002, p. 45). The company is not organized by geographic regions, and now it is realigned by product range, with five Vehicle Centers, every center is responsible for one group of products all over the world. The Company Ford, unlike Toyota, tries to spend as little time as possible for the development of new produ cts, thus making the process of production flow very quick. Ford is reducing the time needed for development of new vehicle from 48 to 24 months and reducing engines, transmissions, and essential car platforms by 30% all over the world. The company hopes that pooling worldwide skills and resources will lead to more variations on every car platform, increasing the number of cars introduced during the next five years by 50%. It is the essence of the permanent productive flaw of the company. Ford has introduced a variety of new initiatives all over the world, with joint ventures for the assembly of cars in such countries as China, India, Thailand and Vietnam. In China, Ford tries to launch the production of light trucks with a name of a company Jiangling Motors. In India, Mahindra Ford India Ltd. will start producing and distributing of Ford products, starting with the Ford Escort, in mid-1996 and Fiesta in 1998. Thailand is known as country where Ford has a joint venture to manufa cture pick-up trucks (Ford 2004, p. 56). Having the subsidiaries in different countries, the company tries to develop its productive flow. The more countries are engaged in the business of vehicles production of the company, the more vivid and permanent the productive flaw is. Needless to say, that such strategy leads to the increase of company’s sales and profits consequently. Probably, this is one of the key reasons of the company’s popularity and success in the market. One more important strategy for the company’s development is production quality and constant quality control. The managerial of the company pays particular attention to the control and testing of the manufactured vehicles. That is why, before entering to the market, the cars are properly tested. Ford is known by its qualified and secure products and such fame is possible to gain only due to constant and reliable job over the problem of product quality. Therefore, it explains high revenues o f the company and increasing of its sales and profits. Company makes huge investments in the development of new ways of quality control and improvement of the quality of produced vehicles. It is understood that in the competitive market of vehicle production quality is essential factor, presupposing company’s success. Managerial of the company should pay attention to these factors to be aware of the latest news in the market and develop the strategies that are necessary for company to be effective. References Banham, R. 2002, The Ford Century: Ford Motor Company and the Innovations that Shaped the World. New York: Artisan, p.43-46Ford, H., 2004, My Life and Work, London: Public Domain Books, p. 50-60Hales C. 2001, Managing Through Organization. 2nd ed. London: Thomson Learning Press Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 2010, p1-1, 1p Liker, J. 2004, The Toyota Way. New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 22-25 Naughton, C., Takayama, H. and Sparks, D. Toyota Triumph. Newsweek (Atlantic Edition), 2005, Vol. 145 Issue 19, p44-49, 6p Migliorato,P. Toyota Retools Japan, Business 2.0, 2004, Vol. 5 Issue 7, p39-41, 3p
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Museology of Natural History. Historic Museums And Climate Change Essay
Museology of Natural History. Historic Museums And Climate Change - Essay Example This pressing nature of the problem has necessitated the active participation of merely all sectors and institutions of the world towards alleviating the accompanying effects. Environmental organizations in the past have taken a leading role in informing the public, inspiring them as well as equipping them in manners appropriate to participate effectively in the challenge of controlling the climate change. This is because most of the recent findings point to human beings as being the main cause to the climatic change because of activities that lead to build up of green houses gases within the atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels as well as deforestation has been majorly blamed on increasing the green house gases, which lead to global warming and in effect lead to the adverse effects that are seen from climate change and alteration of climate systems globally. However, lack of information by many people lead to the low participation towards curtailing the effects of climate change. Nev ertheless, the active participation of all human beings towards the problem necessitates that they are equally involved in finding the solution to the problem. Public awareness of the effects of personal activities towards rising levels of concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as well as other environmentally unfriendly activities would play a great role in the efforts to contain climate change across the globe. This is the active role that most of the museums (not all) are currently engaged in with efforts towards alleviating the effects of climate change. Discussion Despite the active participation and the evident efforts by many world governments to educate the citizens concerning the problem, much is still to be done. This has therefore necessitated the active participation of nongovernmental organizations, scientific agencies and other institutions towards the common goal of environmental conservation with a motive of alleviating the effects of climate change. In particular, such active participation has been seen in the recent past from the historical museums across the globe. Most of the museums are taking active role in educating the public on such emerging issues in a timely way. There is growing evidence of scientific museums actively participating in empowering the public alongside other agencies such as environmental organizations through information in efforts to control climate change and hence the effects (Ryan, 2005, p. 4-5). The nineteenth century saw great revolution in creation of public awareness by scientific expositions as well as world fairs, which would later trigger active participation of the historical museums into the good course. The growing sense of responsibility over the time slowly led to the strategic moves by museums to participate actively in controlling the menace. The process of adopting the role of educating the populace concerning global warming and effects by the museums have seen development of educationa l theories as well as visitor research. The outcome of such efforts has been seen in development and adoption of conservation related exhibitions, which has been very instrumental in creating public awareness on the topic (Ryan, 2005, p. 23). Museums role as custodians of rich history not only safeguards the history but also enables there to be a link between the past, the present as well as the future. Sustainability has therefore shaped many of the efforts by the museums as defined by
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in Men Research Paper
HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in Men - Research Paper Example Seppa (2011) explains that though the virus was previously believed to infect women and not men, observations, in history, have indicated high rates of infection among men. This means that while the infection was previously ‘non-existent’ in men, or otherwise previously not detected in men, cases of viral infections have increasingly been reported among men to an extent that men are now equally vulnerable to the viral infection as women are. Further research has also proved that varieties of types of the HPV virus are sexually transmitted and hence the infection in men that occurs during contacts in sexual interactions. As a result, the viral infection in men is not a recent emergence, but has either been existed in history without being noticed, or has taken some time to rise from a zero prevalence rate to its current prevalence rate that equals the rate among women. The history of the relationship between HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in men has also been significantly reported with an increasing trend in men bellow fifty years of age. Marur et al. explains that the cancer has particularly been increasing among the category of men in the past years (2010). The authors particularly relate the cancer to â€Å"human papillomavirus 16 infection†(p. 781). ... Research developments that have revealed the extent of vulnerability of men with respect to Oropharyngeal cancer have also identified HPV as an increasingly developing risk factor towards Oropharyngeal cancer infections (D'Souza, G., & Dempsey, A. 2011). Statement of problem This paper seeks to discuss significant research and data that has been developed over HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in men with the aim of exploring HPV as a contemporary issue facing nurse practitioners and established relationship between HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in men. The paper will also research into the role of nurse practitioner with respect to HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in men. Literature review The general perception that has in the past existed that HPV infections are associated with women and not men is still felt as little research has been conducted to understand men’s opinions and knowledge over the infection. A research conducted by Brewer et al. indicated that a majority of men have not yet understood the relationship between HPV infections and cancer. In the research that sought to establish the perception among heterosexual men and homosexual men, the authors established that men are oblivious of the possible infections that are associated with HPV. Only about 40 percent of the respondents, for example, were aware that HPV could lead to genital warts. Similarly, less than a quarter of the respondents were aware that HPV could cause either anal cancer or oral cancer. There is therefore a high level of ignorance over the relationship between HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer in men. Though a significant majority of the respondents associated sexual interactions with infections such as â€Å"genital warts and anal cancer,†they did not specifically identify the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Health & Social Care Essay Example for Free
Health Social Care Essay Physical abuse is classed as the hitting, shaking, choking, biting or other physical attack on an individual. It can lead to bruising, cuts, scratches burns, fractures and internal injuries. As well as these more immediate injuries, there can also be longer term ones. Someone who is being physically abused may show signs of it, but they may not be noticed by others if the victim is hiding the abuse. Signs and symptoms of physical abuse are cuts, brusies, burns grip marks, unusual pattern or location of injury, depression, fearfulness, withdrawn and anxiety. Sexual abuse Sexual abuse involves any sexual behaviour directed toward an adult without that adult’s knowledge and consent. Sexual abuse can happen to people of all ages, including the elderly. Sexual abuse is a way that a person tries to have control over someone and has nothing to do with consenting sex between adults. Sexual abuse is another form of physical and emotional control of one person over another person, and it has nothing to do with consensual sex between adults. Read more: Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse essay Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse are pain, itching or bruises around breasts or genital area, torn stained or bloody underclothing, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal/anal bleeding, depression, withdrawal from regular activities, fear and anxiety. Emotional/psychological abuse – Emotional abuse can be as painful and damaging as physical abuse because it diminishes an adult’s sense of identity, dignity and self-worth. Emotional abuse is when a person is verbally assaulted, insulted, yelled at, threatened or humiliated by someone close to them or by a caregiver. The abuser often confines a person or isolates them by preventing them from having visits from family and friends or by denying them the chance to attend doctor or other personal care appointments. Signs and symptoms of emotional/psychological abuse are depression, fear, anxiety and behaviour changes when a carer enters or leaves a room. Financial abuse – financial abuse involves the improper, illegal or unauthorized use of an adult’s resources for the benefit of another. Signs and symptoms of financial abuse are unpaid bills, no money for food, clothing, or medication, unexplained withdrawal of money from someone’s bank account, family member or representative refuses to spend money on the adult’s behalf, possessions disappear, family member or another person forces an adult to sign over Power of Attorney against their own will. Institutional abuse – Institutional abuse refers to mistreatment of someone living in a facility for older persons. This includes nursing homes, foster homes, group homes, or board and care facilities. For example the abuse refers to the ‘home’ and staff having set meal times, set places a resident can eat their meals, a certain time everyone must get up Rigid, routines, Inadequate staffing, Insufficient knowledge base within service etc. Signs and symptoms of institutional abuse could be Inability to make choices or decisions, agitation if routine broken, disorientation, patterns of challenging behaviour. Self neglect – Adults are neglected when a caregiver does not provide the essential daily living needs of an adult dependent upon them, for things such as food, clothing, shelter, bathing, medication, health care, and doctor visits. Self-neglect happens when an adult can no longer take care of their own basic daily living needs. Signs and symptoms of neglect and self-neglect are malnourishment, dehydration, confusion, inappropriate clothing, under or over medication, skin sores, poor hygiene, absence of required aids, canes and walkers. Aiii / Aiv) If someone makes an allegation of abuse to you, the first and most important response is that you must believe what you are told. You must reassure the person that you believe what you have been told also reassure them that it is not their fault and that they are in no way to blame. Once youve reassured the person that you believe them, you should report the allegation immediately to a senior member of staff. Make sure you then make an accurate record of as much detailed information. Av) If the abuse is physical, no attempt should be made to clean anything such as clothes or residence. The client should be dissuaded to wash. Other people should be kept out of the way. With financial abuse, evidence could be paperwork such as bank statements so these should not be thrown away. You should only remove anything that could be evidence if you suspect the abuser might dispose of it before the authorities can see it. Avi) The national polices that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse are the safeguarding board, the social services. The child protection agencies like the NSPCC Childline. The H.uman rights act 1998 and the Equalityact of 2000. Avii / Aviii) Different agencies and professionals play critical roles when involved in safe guarding individuals for example, Medical professionals such as GP, AE staff, nurses, doctors they can examine, diagnose treat, they can record. The local authority Social Services would carry out an assessment of needs. Safeguarding Team, within Social Services dept investigates and ensures safety, work with other agencies such as police. A Safeguarding Protection Officer would lead the Adult Protection Alert. Police to investigate/prosecute, to work with other agencies, to provide support to victims, to raise awareness of crimes, crime prevention. Care Quality Commission to regulate inspect care providers. Independent Safeguarding Authority. Aix) When seeking advice, support and information to help care workers understand their role in safeguarding good sources would be social workers, advocaces, further training, management, relevant laws and policies, CQC guidelines, care plans including risk assessments.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sex in Ursula K. LeGuins The Left Hand of Darkness Essay -- essays re
Let’s Talk About Sex Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness is the story of Genly Ai’s travels to a strange planet called Gethen, or Winter. His mission there is to persuade the nations of Gethen to join an alliance Genly Ai represents called the â€Å"Ekumen†. However, his journey is rather difficult due to the great difference in societies from Genly Ai’s home planet, Earth, and this new one. In Gethen, he learns that the people are completely unsexed for the majority of their days. When they are sexed, it is only for a few days and each person is either male or female during this time. The different governments use Genly Ai as a pawn, but in the end they join the alliance. Unfortunately, it comes with the price of his friend’s life. LeGuin has Genly Ai’s descriptions of gender become less and less male or female for the purpose of showing his assimilation on Gethen. When Genly Ai first arrives on Gethen, LeGuin has him sex everyone to show how much of a stranger he is to the planet. LeGuin has Estraven and Genly Ai supper at Estraven’s house, at which time LeGuin has Genly Ai think about the androgynous people of Gethen and she has him realize that he sees â€Å"a Gethenian first as a man, than as a woman, forcing him into those categories so irrelevant to his nature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (12). When LeGuin has Genly Ai say this, she is showing the way Genly Ai’s understanding of sex being very set in place is also a representation of how he is mentally unfit with the rest of the Gethenians. Additionally, LeGuin has Genly Ai call everyone on Gethen â€Å"man†, and †he†because he cannot picture a culture that has no distinction between sexes at all times. When LeGuin has Genly Ai meet the King of Gethen, Argaven up close, she has him remark that â€Å"Argaven ... ...raven] what women are like†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (235). LeGuin has Genly Ai struggle with this thought as a show of how used to unsexed people he really is. When LeGuin has him see permanently sexed people from his home planet, LeGuin has him be so unfamiliar with it that he doesn’t like it. At first sight, LeGuin has Genly Ai describe them as â€Å"†¦a troupe of great, strange animals, of two different species, great apes with intelligent eyes, all of them in rut, in kemmer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (296). LeGuin has Genly Ai experience these people in such a negative way because Genly Ai simply wasn’t used to the sight of such sexed people. LeGuin even went so far as to have Genly Ai include the Gethenian word â€Å"kemmer†to show how much assimilation has taken place within him. It is in this way that LeGuin uses Genly Ai’s descriptions become less and less gendered to show that he has accepted the culture on Gethen.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sartre, Jean Paul. Existence precedes essence Essay
Existence precedes essence Introduction            As much as Existentialism is a philosophy, existentialist emphasize on artistic creation as a crucial aspect of existence. As an outcome, Sartre often chose to combine both points of aesthetic concerns and that of philosophy in short stories and novels. Unlike the fiction of Sartre, the philosopher fiction is not mythical or allegorical, but it is a straightforward plan of his philosophical arguments. The dependence on artistic creation to understand oneself becomes Roquentin’s final cure to his Nausea. Rather than anguish, the inspirational piece of music gives him a reason to confront the bare existence of things and put them down in his novel.            Sartre slogan of existence precedes essence serve to bring out what is most distinctive of existentialism. The idea that non-formal account of what it relates to be human, can be given since its meaning is decided and existing by itself. Existence in a situation is self-making in itself, it constitutes that identity is formed neither by nature nor by culture (Sartre 95). The main theme of Sartre’s novel results from his belief that existence precedes essence. Rouquentin unsuspectingly gives a clear distinction between the intimate objects or a being in itself and the consciousness of the human. For instance, when he gives a stance on the purple bartender’s suspenders, he is distraught to find that they appear blue in some parts. Sartre’s feeling of Nausea comes from moments like this when he is forming the essence or of the characteristics of the objects he glances at. He understands that color is an idea and purple is just a term that is used to describe something that Sartre has never come across in his entire life. He concludes that the essence of the objects is comforting that hides the unthinkable truth of existence. In effect, while having a close look at the Chestnut root tree, Roquentin finds out that the root first existed. Sartre attributed an essence to it by terming it as black (43).            Every new discovery that Roquentin makes continues from the epiphany that existence precedes essence. He thinks that the presence of overwhelming and fearful presence of existence is too much for individuals to handle. People ignore it and hide it by only seeing its essence. He therefore identifies the power of a being for itself to choose its own essence, just as the object decides what color it is. Because of the choice, Sartre strongly believed that the human race was fundamentally free to do whatsoever they felt to do regardless of the restricted mandate they had before. Indeed Roquentin continued to state that he wants freedom, freedom that will make things around the world become a reality. But with the freedom, it goes a great deal by the responsibility of one’s action. Sartre strongly believed that the staggering responsibility makes people anxious and inevitably leads one to a path that denies them to a world with no freedo m and responsibility (Sartre 123). They total perceive themselves as total slaves on the hands of humans. For instance, Anny is afraid to take an action because she does not want to have the responsibility of breaking with her past. Responsibility condemns people to be free an earlier explanation by Sartre.            The broader themes of free will and time will also recur Roquentin’s search for the cause his Nausea. The inner desire to be self-sufficient and free provokes Roquentin’s to abandon the research that he started on the Marquis de Rellebon. He finds out that he has been attempting to resuscitate Rollebon in order to have justification on his own existence. He decides that the past life does not have meaning and that the concept does not exist. Instead, Roquentina embraces the present life as the only where things started and existed. He thinks that human emphasize their past in order to take a break from existence. For instance, when Anny terms herself in relation to the human Roquentin used to be. As Sartre explained earlier in the novel, this is an example of faith that is unacceptable to the human fraternity (65). Anny rejects her freedom to choose how own essence because the responsibility means a lot to her. She believes r esponsibility comes with the belief she has had during the past and present life (Sartre 45). Responsibility provides a vast array of opportunities that makes her feel recognized in the community. Roquentin also thinks that people give tales so as to put time in a standard measure and linear order, trying to grasp time by the tail. In effect while studying Rollebon, Roquentin not only deceived his own self by thinking            Rollebon was like him, but he could clearly understand and evaluate himself through the intermediary of a dead human being. Roquentin’s past rejection causes him to embrace the existence of the future and present. Roquentin’s wants to be successful in whatever he does not looking back at what hindered him at one point not to achieve his desired dreams and goals. He constantly repeats he exists and mocks the multitude of people in Bouville who in turn refuse to recognize their own existence (Sartre28). Later, he discovers existence is a deflection of his own self. He realizes that existence in nature is contingent and that there is no necessary reason for anything to come into existence. If evolution was to take place over and over again, the results would be completely different. Instead of the reasons, he found nothingness, an empty space that paradoxically comes into existence. Sartre uses the theme to criticize the individ ualism emphasis on the rational world with human existence as its main point of focus and reason (78). It is seen that human beings are accidental offspring’s to nature. Rather than surrender to nausea, Roquentin confronts his existential anguish in the broader face of nothingness. Although it cannot be clearly seen by him, nothingness is a force that makes up a purposeless reality which usually inspires action. Artistic creation emerges as a way of survival. Sartre asserts his freedom in defining his own essence by putting words down to the novels.            It is well examined that Jean Paul Sartre notion of the absurd, it is clearly seen in his philosophy and novel (76). The connection show that Sartre takes certain characteristics arises from the character Anny the Camus does the same to the character of Roquentin. The analogy used is circumscribed as a basic tenet of existentialist humor which consists of the historical irony. The powerful and distinct shape of Sartre literature and life certainly simplifies and reinforces the basic tenet. The theme exhibited by Sartre clearly helps one to understand the connection of the real world and that of existence precedes essence. References Sartre, Jean Paul. Nausea. New York: New Directions Publishing, 2013. Print Source document
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Brain Response of Behavior
The communication process of neurons in the brain is a complex electrochemical process from one neuron to the next in a series of chemical reaction to pass the message (Charles, 2002). However, the message to be passed precedes the process of communication involved. The message to be communicated to the brain neurons originates from the senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound.The neuron’s dendrites usually receive a chemical message from the neighboring neuron which generates or triggers off a chemical reaction to form nerve impulse.The generated nerve impulse or action potential travels down the neuron tube referred to as axon through the terminal button at the end of that neuron. At this end, the message carried is passed to the next adjacent neuron through a synapse. However, the synapse has a gap called synaptic cleft that message neurotransmitters should diffuse through to the next nerve cell’s dendrites. The electrical message to be diffused through synapti c cleft is contained in synaptic vesicles with several neurotransmitters.The neurotransmitters on the presynaptic neuron or neuron that has the message to diffuse through synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron or on the receiving neuron must be in appropriate key and fit structures (Charles, 2002, p. 63). This is necessary to enhance successful neurotransmitters binding after diffusion. Once the neurotransmitters are diffused through the synaptic cleft, they bind to the dendrites of postsynaptic neuron and release the chemical message that triggers off or stimulates neuron chemical changes.Thereafter, the process repeats as the previous one for this neuron until it moves message to the next nerve cell and communication enhanced. It is a point of worth to note that, once message diffuses through the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron, there are several neurons that shall receive the message but only specific neuron that is compatible to the message is shall successfully rec eive and pass it by to the next neuron.For example, if there is need for body temperature control, the neurons that are specialized in body temperature control messaging only shall facilitate communication to the brain; and after interpretation by the brain the same neurons shall carry message to the hypothalamus. Then hypothalamus gland shall release hormones to increase liver activities, constriction or vasodilatation of blood vessel, follicle hair behavior and personal behavior to respond to cold by warming or wearing heavy clothes or hot weather by wearing light clothing (Albert, 2002).Neurotransmitters and their effect on behavior The observable behavior is a result of brain interpretation and stimulated action course. However, it should be noted that the brain ability to influence behavior is highly dependant on neurotransmitters contained in the synaptic vesicle. The neurotransmitters have the capacity to influence the message being passed and the outcome in terms of behavior exhibited. In this regard, neurotransmitters are chemical agent in the neurons that are responsible for facilitating message movement from one neuron to the adjacent one through axon (Charles, 2002).To this effect, neurotransmitters are either excitatory which allows communication or inhibitory that hinders information passage depending on the nature of message being passed on. But effects of neurotransmitters whether inhibitory or excitatory are different depending on the nature or receptor. Some common examples of neurotransmitters are: Acetylcholine which is an excitatory neurotransmitter dealing with the muscle tissues especially the heart muscles to facilitate blood pumping mechanism.Epinephrine is concerned with energy provision for urgent confrontation such as immediate flight or fight by producing glucose as a ready energy to an individual. Another neurotransmitter is the Serotonin which is concerned with person’s mood and insufficient leads to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. Oxytocin is concerned with maternal related behaviors such as mammary glands, sperm production and ovary release in sexual related behaviors. On contrary to excitatory neurotransmitters, Dopamine is an example of exhibitory neurotransmitter that inhibits action potential in motor neuron.Abnormal quantity of Dopamine results to Parkinson’s disease and substance addition (Charles, 2002; Albert, 2002). Part II: major regions of the brain and their functions on behavior The brain is a complex structure that is divided into specialized parts or regions that perform specialized function. The importance of specialization and brain parts division is not only in brain processing information and generating responses, but the specific impact on behavior of an individual generated by each specialized part. In this regard, the brain has three main regions: cerebral cortex, limbic system and the brain stem (Charles, 2002).The brain stem is the most primit ive part of the brain that is located at the joint where the spinal cord enters the brain (Charles, 2002). This part of the brain contains such sub-parts as reticular activity system, medulla and the Pons. The main function of this part of the brain is for autonomic functions deemed as necessary for survival such as health, food, shelter and security seeking behaviors. For instance, when a person falls ill, the brain stem triggers off the course of action to seek medication or health care, thus such an individual shall move towards the hospital premises than to any other direction of food or security.The cerebral cortex is brain region that is on outer part that covers the brain (Charles, 2002). By virtue of covering the brain, the cerebral cortex is considered as the largest part of the brain. The behavioral function of the cerebral cortex involves higher cognitive processes such as memory process that enhances language, thought and learning. Therefore, behaviors such as performanc e in academic work, ability to retain and remember, verbal fluency and speech development are controlled and generated by the cerebral cortex.Limbic system (Charles, 2002) is the third region of the brain with structures such as hippocampus, thalamus, amygdale and hypothalamus. This part of the brain is responsible for emotional related behaviors of individuals such as motivation, memory functions, and physiological functions. For instance, amygdale is responsible for behaviors such as anger, fear and aggression. The hippocampus sub-structure involves the functions of memory such as information coding and processing into short term and long term memories. Hypothalamus is responsible for emotional behaviors such as hunger, sexual feelings, thirsty and reproduction behaviors.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Memory and Memorials
Memory and Memorials Memory and Memorials Memory and Memorials By Mark Nichol This post lists and defines the words derived from the Latin term memor, which means â€Å"mindful of.†Memory means â€Å"the power or process of retaining things experienced or learned†or refers to something, or all the things, so retained. It also pertains to information stored in a device or the capacity for doing so. Something that is significant enough in some way that it can easily be recalled is memorable (the adverbial form is memorably), while the quality or state of being easily recalled or worth recalling is memorability. Memorial is, like memorable, an adjective pertaining to the act of recall, but it most often refers to preserving the memory of an event or person; the word is also a noun referring to an object (often a sculpture or statue) or a place that serves to do so, or a ceremony or a speech honoring a memory. (In the United States, the Memorial Day holiday honors the memory of U.S. soldiers- originally, Union soldiers during the Civil War- who have died in battle.) Someone or something so honored is memorialized, and the action of doing so is memorialization. (A memorialist is someone who signs or writes a memorial.) The Latin phrase â€Å"in memoriam†(literally, â€Å"in memory of†) is used in English, usually in documents such as programs distributed at a memorial for a deceased person, or on gravestones honoring the dead, though the English translation is often employed. Something that helps people remember a person or thing to be honored can also be described as being commemorative; the verb form is commemorate and the action is a commemoration. Memorabilia, in Latin, denoted notable achievements but in English came to merely describe things worth recalling before its meaning shifted to â€Å"things that aid in recalling.†The word usually applies to souvenirs pertaining to popular culture, such as objects commemorating a form of entertainment or an athletic competition. There is no singular form, so a single object might be referred to as â€Å"a piece of memorabilia.†Similarly, a memento is something that serves to remind one of someone or something; the plural is mementos (though mementoes is also common). Memoir usually applies to an autobiography or biography, though it is (rarely) used to refer to a memorandum or a report. A person who writes a biographical memoir is a memoirist or a memorialist. To memorize is to store information in one’s memory; the act is called memorization. To remember is to place or retain information in one’s memory. Remembrance can apply neutrally to any memory, though it usually has the connotation of honoring someone or something. To disremember, meanwhile, is to forget, while to misremember is to have a faulty memory of something. A memorandum (the word is derived directly from the Latin term meaning â€Å"to be remembered†) is a communication, often in written form, that serves as a record or reminder or that advises, directs, or informs; the plural in Latin is memoranda, though in English memorandums is prevalent, and the word is often truncated to memo (plural: memos). The newest word in this family is meme, coined in the mid-1970s on the model of gene and defined by its coiner, scientist Richard Dawkins, as â€Å"a unit of cultural transmission,†often an idea but sometimes a behavior or style. The definition has since extended among laypeople to encompass amusing or interesting images or videos, often accompanied by audio or by written messages, disseminated through social media. The adjectival form is memetic. Member and other words pertaining to a part or a unit are unrelated. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Used To vs. Use To30 Words Invented by Shakespeare
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 2
Reading Comprehension Worksheet 2 Reading comprehension is like anything; to get good at it, you need to practice. Luckily, you can do that, here, with this Reading Comprehension Worksheet 2 – The End of Overeating. Directions: The passage below is followed by questions based on its content; answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Printable PDFs: The End of Overeating Reading Comprehension Worksheet | The End of Overeating Reading Comprehension Worksheet Answer Key From The End of Overeating by David Kessler. Copyright  © 2009 by David Kessler. Years of research had educated me about how sugar, fat, and salt change the brain. I understood some of the parallels between hyperpalatable foods and drugs of abuse, and about the links among sensory stimulation, cues, and memory. Id met enough people like Claudia and Maria to understand how even the thought of food could cause them to lose control. But I wasnt fully prepared for the discoveries I made about irresistibility and whoosh, the Monster Thickburger and Baked! Cheetos Flamin Hot, about indulgence and purple cows. Without necessarily understanding the underlying science, the food industry has discovered what sells. I was sitting at Chilis Grill Bar in Chicagos OHare Airport waiting for a late-night flight. At a nearby table a couple in their early forties was deep into a meal. The woman was overweight, with about 180 pounds on her five-foot-four-inch frame. The Southwestern Eggrolls she had ordered were listed as a starter course, but the enormous platter in front of her had been heaped with food. The dish was described on the menu as smoked chicken, black beans, corn, jalapeà ±o Jack cheese, red peppers, and spinach wrapped inside a crispy flour tortilla, and it was served with a creamy avocado-ranch dipping sauce. Despite its name, the dish looked more like a burrito than an egg roll, an only-in-America fusion approach. I watched as the woman attacked her food with vigor and speed. She held the egg roll in one hand, dunked it into the sauce, and brought it to her mouth while using the fork in her other hand to scoop up more sauce. Occasionally she reached over and speared some of her companions french fries. The woman ate steadily, working her way around the plate with scant pause for conversation or rest. When she finally paused, only a little lettuce was left. Had she known someone was watching her, Im sure she would have eaten differently. Had she been asked to describe what she had just eaten, she probably would have substantially underestimated her consumption. And she would probably have been surprised to learn what the ingredients in her meal really were. The woman might have been interested in how my industry source, who had called sugar, fat, and salt the three points of the compass, described her entree. Deep-frying the tortilla drives down its water content from 40 percent to about 5 percent and replaces the rest with fat. The tortilla is really going to absorb a lot of fat, he said. It looks like an egg roll is supposed to look, which is crispy and brown on the outside. The food consultant read through other ingredients on the label, keeping up a running commentary as he did. Cooked white meat chicken, binder added, smoke flavor. People like smoky flavor - its the caveman in them. Theres green stuff in there, he said, noting the spinach. That makes me feel like Im eating something healthy. Shredded Monterey Jack cheese.... The increase in per-capita consumption of cheese is off the chart. The hot peppers, he said, add a little spice, but not too much to kill everything else off. He believed the chicken had been chopped and formed much like a meat loaf, with binders added, which makes those calories easy to swallow. Ingredients that hold moisture, including autolyzed yeast extract, sodium phosphate, and soy protein concentrate, further soften the food. I noticed that salt appeared eight times on the label and that sweeteners were there five times, in the form of corn-syrup solids, molasses, honey, brown sugar, and sugar. This is highly processed? I asked. Absolutely, yes. All of this has been processed such that you can wolf it down fast...chopped up and made ultrapalatable.... Very appealing looking, very high pleasure in the food, very high caloric density. Rules out all that stuff you have to chew. By eliminating the need to chew, modern food processing techniques allow us to eat faster. When youre eating these things, youve had 500, 600, 800, 900 calories before you know it, said the consultant. Literally before you know it. Refined food simply melts in the mouth. Reading Comprehension Worksheet Questions 1. It can be inferred from the authors description of the woman eating in paragraph four that(A) The woman prefers to eat at Chilis vs. other restaurants.(B) The woman truly enjoys the foods that she chooses to eat.(C) The womans efficiency at cleaning her plate adds to her dining experience.(D) The author is disgusted by the womans consumption.(E) The author believes the woman should take a course in healthy eating. 2. According to the passage, the main reason people overeat is(A) because salt and sweeteners, like corn-syrup solids and brown sugar, are added to the food.(B) because we dont have to chew our food very much.(C) because people like smoky flavor.(D) because sugar, fat and salt change the brain.(E) because we are used to eating quickly in this modern society. 3. The following are all ingredients in the egg rolls, EXCEPT(A) salt(B) binders(C) honey(D) spinach(E) dark meat chicken 4. Which of the following statements best describes the main idea of the passage? (A) If you eat too much food too quickly, youll gain weight and become unhealthy.(B) Because refined food is irresistible and easy to eat, it masks how unhealthy it is, leaving people unaware of the poor food choices theyre making.(C) Chilis is one of the restaurants in the U.S. serving unhealthy food to consumers today.(D) Food consultants and authors are making Americans aware of their unhealthy eating habits, thus, creating healthier generations for years to come.(E) Refined foods, with salt, sugar, and fat hidden inside, are less nutritious and more damaging than whole foods. 5. In the first sentence of paragraph four, the word vigor most nearly means(A) pleasure(B) flamboyance(C) lethargy(D) energy(E) craftiness Answer and Explanation More Reading Comprehension Practice
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nuclear Proliferation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nuclear Proliferation - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the Kellogg- Briand Pact of 1928 was a treaty signed to bring to end wars between countries in Europe. The International safeguards system has attempted to contain the spread of nuclear weaponry. Later in 1968, a treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed to see to it that there were no cases of nuclear technology spreading especially to new states. This treaty is by far the only confirmation that nations using nuclear weapons were to see to it that disarmament was achieved. It was also to ensure that the spread of nuclear technology to careless and malicious people was curbed. Vertical and horizontal proliferation have been issues of concern. Over 190 parties are in consent with this treaty probably because of the fear that these nuclear weapons may end up in the hands of terrorists or failed states. The bombing of Hiroshima and then Nagasaki city three days later were considered the two single terror acts ever. The U.S.A planned to attack Japan so as to subdue it. Before America attacked Japan and other states, it sent leaflets around warning them of the impending attacks. The leaflets further said that the U.S.A was aware of these cities harboring warehouses and factories with nuclear weapons. The leaflets also said that there was need to end the war and that the only way this was going to be achieved is by sabotaging all the weapons of mass destruction. America administered this warning with the aim of making the civilians flee the mentioned cities before the attacks. This sanction that was placed on Japan was not out of spite for the Japanese people but the weapons that were made in that country. This event in history is important as it looks into the ways that different states used so as to curb the problem of weapons of mass destruction falling into the wrong hands. In this case, America was aware that the weapons under the custody of Japan were going to fuel the World War II further. The Japanese government sur rendered on 10th August 1945.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reflection paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflection paper - Article Example The documentary also identifies the marketing effects of politics, it discusses how the politicians utilize the marketing perspectives to be elected and stay in their offices. Information in the documentary is presented in a manner that indicates all the aspects of marketing. Douglass Rushcoff , the correspondent is unbiased on the factors he attributes on marketing. He talks of issues that concern the relation between marketers and consumers. He also mentions that consumers tend to be trapped in marketing and they are usually confused by the diversity in advertisement. The film indicates that the type of advertisement that has occupied the marketing world and how they are convincing to individuals. The aspect of marketing in politics is legit and common in various parts of the world. Politicians have been note to manipulate the image they want the society to view so that they can secure their offices and maintain their
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